County Fire Chief John Hawkins told Temescal Valley residents that if annexation occurs and county revenue decreases, he will recommend closing County Fire Station 64 in Sycamore Creek.
Hawkins, speaking at the March 13 Temescal Valley Municipal Advisory Council meeting, has always been adamant in praising his department and the quality of service it provides to the majority of Temescal Valley residents. The county contracts with the city of Corona to provide fire service to a small portion of northern Temescal Valley.
His recommendation to close the fire station reiterated a Feb. 22 email sent by county Battalion Chief Geoff Pemberton to a Temescal Valley resident questioning whether Station 64 would be closed if annexation happens.
Read the email HERE
Other fire announcements at the MAC meeting included:
- Chief Tony Meachem from the Cal Fire Norco station said that Station 64 firefighter/paramedic Kevin Hansen had obtained 130 pet resuscitation masks that are being distributed to county fire stations.
- Even though every county engine runs with a paramedic on board, the county is beginning a review of its paramedic/EMS services.
- Cal Fire is looking to April to bring on its seasonal staff and will reopen nine state fire seasonal stations.
- With wildfire season approaching, it’s time for residents to clear brush from around their homes and for HOAs to begin weed abatement behind homes that border forest areas.