We Are Temescal Valley Beautification Committee Chairman Bob Hafner is responsible for coordinating all the community signs popping up throughout Temescal Valley.

Holes for the plants could only be dug with a jackhammer.

Would you believe a cactus can be this pretty?

Spanish Hills resident Martin Lange and his front loader move a pile of gravel closer to the vats.

After the gravel is dumped, it’s then shoveled into wheelbarrows.

Wheelbarrows are moved from the gravel pile to the area around the vats where the rocks are placed a shovelful at a time.

The newly planted succulents needed water, which was furnished by Dawson Canyon resident Michelle Randall.

Plants were individually watered to give them a good start.

Melissa Deleo spent the morning painting the bollards in front of the vats. The concrete stanchions will prevent the heavy trucks that park nearby from running over the area. Reflectors will be added to the bollards.