THE NEW OLIVE BRANCH CHURCH AND SCHOOL: Plans call for a 58-foot-tall, 31,500-square-foot worship center. All other buildings will be two-stories.
(Published Dec. 18, 2017)
The county has given approval to the Olive Branch Community Church to build a worship center and K-8 school on the 14.53 acres it owns at the northwest corner of Temescal Canyon Road and Trilogy Parkway. The project will be built in three phases, but a construction date is yet-to-be determined.
Public hearing set for Olive Branch Church
(Published Dec. 9, 2017)
Because of a clerical error, a county Planning Department Director’s Hearing has been continued for the Olive Branch Community Church. The public hearing will be held Monday, Dec. 18 at the county Administrative Center, 4080 Lemon St., Riverside. The 1:30 p.m. hearing will be in Conference Room 2A on the first floor.
The church, currently located in El Cerrito, owns the 14.53 acres at the northwest corner of Temescal Canyon Road and Trilogy Parkway, and plans to expand with a worship center and K-8 school to be built in three phases.
The first phase, with an anticipated 2020 completion date, would be the construction of a 43,972-square-foot building, comprised of a 14,500-square-foot multi-purpose worship center, and 29,472-square-feet of Sunday School classrooms and church office space, plus a 140-student private school and 80-student preschool.
The second phase would expand the private school and preschool with an expected 2023 completion, and the final phase, due to be completed in 2028, would expand the worship center, adding a multipurpose fellowship hall. There would be 605 parking spaces.
At buildout the worship center would seat 1,250 people and the multi-purpose fellowship hall would seat 800. The anticipated enrollment for the preschool is 96 children and 216 students for the school.
The completion dates for each of the three phases are tentative and will be predicated by the church’s fundraising campaigns.
The hearing was continued from Nov. 27 because an erroneous time was listed in the public notice and the notice was not mailed to all neighboring property owners within the 600-foot radius of the project. The county proceeded with two hearings on Nov. 27 – at 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Pastor Greg Harris at the 1:30 p.m. hearing addressed a couple of community concerns that were called to his attention when the church presented the project at the April Temescal Valley Municipal Advisory Council meeting.
He said all the oak trees on the property would remain except one that was diseased and would be replaced. He also noted that a Trilogy entrance monument would be located on church property at Trilogy Parkway.
Primary entrance to the church and school would be from Trilogy Parkway. The roadway within the complex primarily runs along the western border, with parking on the north and south boundaries. A traffic signal eventually will be installed at Squaw Mountain Road.
Drainage problems in the area will be handled by three basins to be built the length of the property along Temescal Canyon Road.
Comments either favoring Plot Plan 25776 or opposing it can be made at the public hearing or by email sent to county planner Dionne Harris – dharris@rivco.org.
Review the project here: http://planning.rctlma.org/Portals/0/hearings/dh/dh2016/rdh112717.pdf?ver=2017-11-22-124720-197