Residents of Temescal Valley are governed by Riverside County, which provides
services to the valley.

Here’s a downloadable list and links to
Seems to be a lot of defunct Facebook pages with their last posts being from 2015 in regards to the faire. Will there be a faire this spring?
The Temescal Heritage Foundation has only one Facebook page for the Faire and it has been updated! We haven’t had a Faire since 2019 because of the pandemic. Mark your calendar — Saturday, May 20, 2023. Here’s the link to the Facebook page:
Excellent news! Thank you!
Hello, May I ask why the Spring festival got cancelled? Thank you
Hello, Mary. Planning for the Temescal Valley Community Faire held annually in May begins in January. This past January, the committee decided the COVID numbers were still too high to stage the Faire this month. But, good news. The group will probably host a different event later this year with total kid appeal!
Has anyone in Temescal Valley had Edison show up with a construction crew ready to dig up there yard and place a above ground electrical box?
They say it is there right and the home owner has no say in the matter.
Thank you
Misty Ramos
I have never heard of that happening. Was there a box in that location some time in the past? I would call Edison — and it wouldn’t hurt to give your HOA a call as well if you live in a HOA community.
As a lot of people have done for 50 plus years use Glen Ivy Road to enjoy the R.V. Park or enjoy the Glen Ivy Hot Springs. Well once again the owners of the rock mines closed the road again at Warm Springs Dr. wrongfully, in 1988 a Judge gave Glen Ivy R.V. Park the rights to use the road since the road was dedicated to the property owner of the parcel of land that the R.V. Park seats for the past 50 plus years. This has cause a lot of people turning around because they can’t get through, just in one week over 1100 cars and trucks had to turn around because Chandler’s feels the road is his and it’s not by court order. Now if the Spa or anyone with an Emergency or needs the Paramedics it’s going to take longer for them to get to you because of the (rock mine) wrongfully closing Glen Ivy Road. Their actions are not necessary it just shows the community your welfare, health, and safety means nothing to them. Beware Temescal Cyn. is closed at Glen Ivy Road and Chandler’s sand and gravel closed Glen Ivy Road at Warm Springs, just making it clear Glen Ivy R.V. Park did not close the road. We care about all T. V. people we are T.V. Thank You for your support.
Ed — Are the barricades on Warm Springs or are they on Glen Ivy Road? Chandler’s could not have placed them on Warm Springs without the county’s permission because that is a public road, not a private road like Glen Ivy is. I thought the county placed the barricades to keep people out of that area while they work on the putting in the culvert.
Are they ever going to widen Temescal Canyon Rd from Cajalco to El Cerrito?
Bob — Yes, the county does have plans to widen that stretch of Temescal Canyon Road. It was included in TCR improvements announced by the county in October 2015. But two other areas along TCR will be widened before this one (should begin late this year or early next year), because of the complexity of the El Cerrito widening and the need to purchase easements from property owners. You can learn more about it here: http://www.wearetv.org/2015/10/13/county-oks-concept-for-tcr-improvements/
My shop is at 19877 Temescal Canyon Rd. That road gets super busy during the mornings & afternoon
Thank you for the info
When there are events at Deleo Park how to vendors sign up to participate? I am a Tupperware Vendor looking to set up at events.
Michelle — Most of the community events at Deleo Regional Sports Park are handled by the county’s Economic Development Agency and the MARS recreation program. Rebeckah Ross might be able to assist you: RKRoss@RIVCO.ORG. The Temescal Valley Community Faire also offers booths for local businesses. Here’s the flier from last year, but the contact info is the same: http://www.wearetv.org/blog/faire/exhibitor.pdf
How can the community get the summer camp program back? Pay a fee? Attend meeting? Inquiring minds want to know.
Some parents called to complain when they learned there would be no summer program this year. With budgets pretty well set, I foresee no changes this summer, but I think after the first of the year would be the time to start lobbying for a program in Summer 2018. Here is the email address to the county’s Economic Development Agency that oversees park and recreation seervices in the unincorporated county areas such as Temescal Valley: CSDservice@rivco.org
No summer camp? What does the county provide us for our children in this community other than a bookmobile and two movies in the park? Maybe Annexation would be best. You should see the programs available to the kids in Corona. Our children have nothing in this community.
Brooke — Due to budget constraints the county will not have a summer camp at Deleo this year, but several activities — all free, are planned for Deleo Park. In addition to the Movies in the Park, a Summer Splash is planned on Saturday, June 24 (see this month’s calendar.) The popular Halloween Trunk or Treat will be held in October, as well as the Holiday event featuring Santa and snow. I’ve seen the programs available to the kids in Corona — very cool, but they are not free. Please know that non-Corona residents can sign up for any of those programs and will be charged a higher non-resident fee. Additionally, we’re checking with the county to see if they can charge a fee to maybe off-set the costs of providing the Deleo Summer Camp.
Hi, will there be a summer program for the children again this year at Deleo Regional Sports Park? If so, how do I sign my children up for it?
The county says that due to budget limitations there will be no summer day camp program for kids this year at Deleo Park. For more information on county programs at Deleo, email: CSDservice@rivco.org.
I got my grandson into a day camp at Lake Elsinore – much cheaper than Corona!
Will we be doing movies at the park this spring or summer?
Gina — I’m assuming you are asking about the movies sponsored by the county at Deleo Regional Sports park? I cannot answer your question at this time. Currently, I am looking into the recreational services provided by the county to Temescal Valley residents. I’ll let you know when I receive a definitive answer.
Here’s your answer, Gina! The county’s EDA Department this summer is planning two Movie in the Park events at Deleo Regional Sports Park. “Moana” on July 22 and “Finding Dory” on Aug. 12.
Has anybody addressed the new “contractor dump site” on TCR just south of Trilogy Parkway on the east side? Tons of brick, debris, cuttings, dirt, etc….. County should post a no dumping sign with a big fine ! (and clean it up !!) Also, as a point of interest, in speaking to the County Code Enforcement at the “Faire” he indicated that they do not respond to lots with dry growth (fire hazards) It should be reported to the local fire department captain. They are the responsible “folks”….
Bruce — We will look into it and let you know what we find out.