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New to Temescal Valley or thinking about purchasing a home here? Here’s a little general information about our community, plus a little history. Did you know the first home built in Riverside County by a non-Native American was built in Temescal Valley?
Learn more  HERE

The yet-to-be-approved Renaissance Ranch Commerce Center project near Horsthief Canyon Ranch has increased open space acreage and reduced the number of buildings.
Learn more  HERE

Supervisor Karen Spiegel’s website provides information on all planned and/or approved development applications. Click on the link below and scroll down to Temescal Valley.
Learn more 

Click the map for a larger downloadable view

Because of the number of mines/quarries in the area, the South Coast Air Quality Management District, in June 2018, gave Temescal Valley small, backyard air-quality senors. The PurpleAir sensors inexpensively monitor air quality at the community level instead of regionally and can be viewed in real time HERE

The numbers are looking good!
Learn more  HERE


If you would like to receive our monthly Temescal Valley newsletter, please request it at We will add you to the newsletter email list and — not to worry, the list is shared with no one!

78 thoughts on “NEWS AND UPDATES

  1. Eric

    I asked certain question days ago but the post was deleted without any explanation and I see many advertisement post still remains here. Did you get paid ? Or Do I require payment to post here ?

    1. admin Post author

      Yes — and I answered your question below. I’m not familiar with the advertisements to which you refer. There are no advertisements on this website and I am not paid.

  2. Eric

    Could you please tell me what construction is going on around ‘Temescal Canyon Rd’ and ‘Indian Truck Trail’ ? I tried to search but could not find it. I see they are doing some work every day.

    1. admin Post author

      A shopping center has been approved for the northwest corner of Indian Truck Trail and Temescal Canyon Road. The grading you see now by that property owner is because Caltrans requested the hill be removed alongside the northbound I-15 on-ramp. Design and environmental studies are now being done on the Express Lanes Extension from Cajalco Road south to Central Avenue. The removal of the hill will facilitate noise studies. We still do not have a timeline for the shopping center. Learn more about it in our November 2020 newsletter:

      1. Will Aggrey

        How can we find information on the shopping center plans, will it include more restaurant choices and grocery store alternatives as Vons is the only option?.

        1. admin Post author

          There have been very few updates on the Toscana center because the developer will not respond to our requests. A possible grocery store and additional restaurants were planned for the second phase of the project. We have no idea when that’s supposed to happen. Here’s our last update on Toscana:

  3. Y Rowley

    Hello Temescal Valley, Corona Junk Removal & Property Maintenance LLC is your local Temescal Valley-owned and operated junk removal business that would like to assist our neighbors with our junk removal, clean out, cleanups, and pressure washing services, you can visit our website for more information. Let’s keep the TV looking beautiful!

    Reply ↓

  4. Hansel Yune

    Regarding Gale Winds LLC desire to build 300 homes on The Retreat golf course. Is the only thing that stands between them and succeeding is a two-thirds vote by Retreat homeowners to annex them into the association? If the necessary votes are short, what happens to the golf course then?

  5. Mary

    Today, 6/30/22 around 10:30 am I saw police cars, trucks and tents at the corner of Trilogy Parkway and Deergrass streets, by the Trilogy Community. They seemed to be towing a car as well, didn’t look like a crash. Anyone with information about what happened?

    1. admin Post author

      Hi, Mina. Report it to the Sycamore Creek HOA and to the Temescal Valley Water District — 951-277-1414.

  6. Yuriko rowley

    Hello Temescal Valley, M&J Service Works would like to assist our neighbors with our junk removal, clean out, cleanups, pressure washing services services, you can visit our website for more information. Let’s keep TV looking beautiful!

  7. Sabrina

    I would like to find out if there has been any additional updates regarding the Temescal Valley High School proposal. The latest publication of news for this topic was Feb 2018. This community has grown a great deal with the inclusion of Terramor residents. Any updated news on this topic would be greatly appreciated.

    1. admin Post author

      Much has happened since Feb. 14, 2018 when the last story was posted on the WeAreTV website. Because of tremendous community support, the school board voted on Oct. 1, 2019 not to sell the property the district purchased in 2004 as the site of the future Serrano high school. Awesome sleuthing by Kelli Noss found that even though districts are fined by the state ($13,000 a year for CNUSD), for owning property with nothing built on it, the fine would go away if the district built a pad on it and used it for CNUSD storage needs. COVID has slowed down progress on getting that pad built, but the WeAreTV Education Committee has been meeting regularly with district officials since February. In fact, we had a field trip visit to the property a week ago. Sadly, that property presents many challenges — primarily the hilly terrain and the fact it is landlocked with no public access. Even if the district had money to purchase property elsewhere in Temescal Valley (and they don’t), there’s is no land available that could be used for a high school (we’ve checked) — that’s why it was important to hang on to the property already owned by the district. Please be assured as our quest for a high school in Temescal Valley continues, any “new” news will be reported.

  8. Marvin

    Hello. Is it possible to get a higher resolution picture of the planned new Kiley Park in Sycamore Creek? The one in the 05/2020 newsletter has low resolution and becomes blurry when I zoom in. You can email it to me if you’d like. Thank you!

  9. Susan Trehy

    Trying to get on the mailing list for this newsletter. I sent an email to the link but it bounced back. Just moved to the TV.

  10. Anthony S Willard

    What is the story of the new proposed 500 Cell towers near Jamison @ Clayton Canyon. Who can I talk to
    about it . This can be very dangerous to the public. Please let me know who to talk to.

    1. admin Post author

      Anthony — From the newsletter we published today:

      100-FOOT CELL TOWER: A cell phone tower two years ago presented by AT&T at a Temescal Valley Municipal Advisory Council meeting as being 35-feet tall was approved last week at a county Director’s Hearing. Except – the approval was for a 100-foot tower and in a different location than what was presented at the MAC meeting.

      A few Wildrose and Montecito Ranch residents received a public notice from the county a couple of weeks prior to the hearing – the first indication that plans had changed. AT&T will place the tower, disguised as a eucalyptus tree, above Clay Canyon Drive in a grove of oak trees where the Jameson Fire burned in 2017. The property is owned by the Temescal Valley Water District and will be leased by AT&T. Originally, the tower was to be located closer to the TVWD water tank.

      AT&T was seeking a variance because county ordinance allows cell towers to be only 50 feet in residential areas. The variance was granted despite objection from residents who said AT&T knew it was changing the height and location of the tower over a year ago and didn’t bother to share it with the community. Concerns voiced about it being a high-risk fire area according to the county’s Temescal Canyon Area Plan, and oaks being a county-protected tree, also were ignored.

  11. Jeffrey Towers

    I was curious if the eastern bypass road plan from Temescal Canyon Road just north of Terremor along the east side of the 15 to TCR by the Shell Station was scrapped or is still under planning?

    1. admin Post author

      Hi, Jeffrey! The road was a requirement of the Serrano Commerce Center Specific Plan when that project was approved by the Board of Supervisors years ago. The six lane road was to be financed with Redevelopment funds which dried up shortly after the plan was approved. Then we had the Great Recession. The plan is still alive and well, and we may be hearing more about the center in the not too far distant future. I hope this helps.

    2. Melissa

      Hi, this is unrelated but we found a lost dog on Temescal Canyon Rd near the nail salon today, 6/16. He is a large male, maybe pit/Shepard mix, wearing a black harness; no tags/collar. He’s very friendly and knows how to shake. Unfortunately I can’t keep him long. Please reply if he may be yours. We posted a pic on Next Door as well.

      1. admin Post author

        Melissa — if You’ll email the picture, I’ll post it on the We Are Temescal Valley Facebook page. I couldn’t find the picture on NextDoor.

  12. Lucy Burnett

    Would like monthly updates, newsletters, calendars etc.
    Thank you Janlee Watson and Tracy Davis!!


  13. Sandra Heidrich

    I sure hope the Temescal Valley Supervisors are taking a good look at the Hope Fire and are thinking about what the impact of 200-300 more homes and 200-600 more cars in The Retreat would have on our ability to escape a devastating fire with our limited exit abilities. Please vote NO.

  14. Garrett

    Are they still looking into how the 15 express way jammed traffic? is there anything in the works that can alleviate the morning commute?

    1. admin Post author

      Garrett — The Riverside County Transportation Commission recently approved a restriping project on the northbound I-15 which could help the flow of traffic in the through lanes. Another lane will be added for those trying to access the toll lanes.

    1. admin Post author

      All we know is that those 192 homes are the final phase in the Sycamore Creek Specific Plan, approved years ago.

  15. D

    I live in Horsetheif. Will they ever put an off ramp to and from the 15 freeway? Off to Horsetheif canyon rd? I have to drive that suicide two way road everyday and more cars are passing around me almost crashing. It happened today. All ages do it. They haul ass passing you even when a car is on the other side. The black gate has been smashed numerous times near CVS. A young guy in a jeep flew up going south from the 15 and went up and over De Palma to the other side landed in the dirt hill below and crashed. He burned to death. A young motorcycle guy smashed to death at the end into the dirt hill at the stop sign. There’s no lights or a dead end sign. So he smashed to death. Plus many more death stories. How many deaths will it take until they put an off ramp from the 15 to Horsetheif? Syscamore creek has one because they pay higher taxes and the houses cost more. What about us? Will we ever get one or continue driving down the suicide road everyday?

    1. admin Post author

      There are no current plans to put a freeway interchange at Horsethief Canyon Road and the I-15. I would imagine that there are guidelines that dictate where interchanges can/should be built. Considerations would be how close a proposed interchange would be to neighboring interchanges and how many homes/businesses the on- and off-ramps would serve. Your reasoning why there is an interchange at Indian Truck Trail is incorrect. The cost of homes and taxes paid is not a consideration. As developers move forward with plans to build additional homes along De Palma Road, conditions of approval for those projects must include improvements made to De Palma.

    2. HOrsetheif

      Hello. Since nobody will reply to me. Another death just happen. Monday. Jason Garzon died. Young guy w kid. On the Horsetheif and Temescal back suicide road. How many deaths will It take to figure out hmmmm we should put a ramp. Or a divider. I’ve had numberous drivers pass around other cars. Going straight for me. Even one young dude laugh and me. Another truck flip me off going around me too. Lots of road rage in this road too. So. How many deaths will it take until they put the money where it’s needed?????? Put a ramp off the freeway. Put dividers on the back roads. Put lights. Flashers. Stop speeding down the road on your phone wasted too. I don’t ever see this happening. Nobody cares. Nobody even replied to my post a year ago. When it’s your Familia member then you might care. Ok I just read the reason. No money and not enough people or business it would serve? Ask the family members that have died if that makes sense. Or the ones that live here. I guess we don’t count. Right? Call us Horsetheif Don’t Count.

      1. admin Post author

        D — I feel your frustration and the recent death was tragic. As long as there are impatient, reckless drivers as well as speeders, no amount of improvement to the road will end the accidents and deaths. There is not enough development in that area to warrant a freeway interchange. And, it could be a source of debate among Horsthief Canyon Ranch residents — for as many folks who want an interchange, others say they don’t because it would make the community more accessible to people with criminal intentions.

  16. Ryan

    My wife, kids, and I moved into Sycamore Creek last June. Since then we’ve noticed an overwhelming amount of dust/dirt on our cars, patios, outdoor furniture, pool steps, etc. and it’s obviously coming from the mining operation behind the house/community.

    Is there anything we can do to mitigate this unhealthy and overwhelming issue? Don’t they have to follow strict dust mitigation guidelines? Is there an agency that reporting this issue to would actually help/assist in do something about it?

    In the morning the dust cloud that emerges from the mine seems excessive.

    Any information regarding this issue (that I’m sure has been reported before) would be helpful.

    Thank you!

    1. admin Post author

      Ryan — The South Coast Air Quality Management District is the agency that regulates and enforces fugitive dust issues at our local mines, which are inspected on a regular basis. With the number of mines in the Temescal Valley area, we’ve asked the AQMD for a portable emissions monitoring station to be placed here — the closest stations are in Norco and Lake Elsinore. We’ve met with resistance to the request, but continue to push the issue because a developer is now seeking a permit for a new mining operation here. The mines were in Temescal Valley long before the housing developments, but we feel a new mine, with the amount of residential development in the area, should not be allowed. The AQMD is not concerned with dust on our autos, patios, etc., but will respond to reports of large dust clouds if enough residents complain. Here’s a link that tells you how to register complaints. Eric Werner, of the Werner Corporation mining operation closest to Sycamore Creek, welcomes calls from residents when issues arise. His number: 951-277-3900

  17. Michael Honesto

    Hello, i am a resident of California Meadows, I was wondering if there is anyway we can get the lights turned on at the local park located between Canyon Pines Pl and Clay Canyon Dr.

    1. admin Post author

      Michael — That is a homeowner’s association park. You need to contact the Cal Meadows property management company.

  18. bill

    Do you know what the situation is with the Retreat Golf Course? It has been closed since July. The person that bought the course has a history of buying golf courses and building homes on them, I hope this is not the case………I thought the course added a nice element to the community.

    1. admin Post author

      Hi, Bill. I am sorry for the delay in answering your question. Yes, the person who bought the golf course wants to build homes. We reported the story in our November newsletter and not much has happened since then. We will keep everyone updated as new developments occur. You can read the story in the newsletter — It’s on Page 2:

      Also, if you would like to receive the monthly newsletter, email us at and ask to be placed on the email list.

      1. Gina

        Is there any new information to report in regard to the golf course at The Retreat? I’m considering a home purchase in the community and haven’t been able to find any new, reliable updates.

        1. admin Post author

          Gina — There’s been nothing new as a week ago. The HOA is still having discussions with the golf course owner. But keep in mind, whatever the property owner decides to build, it will take a two-thirds vote by homeowners in The Retreat.

  19. Jeffrey Torrez

    Does anyone know about the development in Sycamore Creek near Deleo Park. Looks like Lennar is grading a very large community.

  20. Christine R.

    Hi .. I tried to register my alarm through the city of corona but they have told me address not found in city territory – what are the instructions to do so on this website? Thank you!

  21. Carolyn Brodeur

    I just learned that I am not eligible for Corona city services, such as parks and rec classes, because I do not live within Corona city limits. At the same time, Corona gets my sales taxes because I have nowhere else to shop. How is it that we are people without a city?

    1. admin Post author

      Carolyn — As an unincorporated Riverside County area, Temescal Valley is not a city — we’re governed by the county. If one day we have a healthy tax base (gotta get more businesses here!), and if the residents vote to make it happen, we could become our own city. Corona doesn’t turn away non-residents from its Parks and Recreation programs — the city allows us to participate and charges us a non-resident rate which is usually $10 more than residents pay. That seems a little ungrateful based on the amount of sales tax we pay when we shop within the city. But wait! Corona is having financial problems due to the unfunded liability of its public employee retirement system and there’s a chance the city will try to increase its sales tax by 1 percent! Because of the traffic gridlock driving north on the I-15, many of us are choosing to drive south to do our shopping in Lake Elsinore. (Its Costco is nicer!)

      1. Nicole Delacruz

        Do you happen to know if the road into Horsethief from lake street is still flooded from yesterday. It’s where the on one side of the street is open grass area and the other some type of business. I guess it’s considered maybe lake street

  22. Anthony T. Norton


    I would like to ask how the Terramor development on the eastern side of route 15 north of Indian Truck Trail was ever approved. There are going to be more than 1400 homes which will result in more than 2000 vehicles driving along route 15. Route 15 is already an overused road that cannot handle more traffic.

    I move to the Sycamore Creek development thinking that we were moving to a nice, quiet suburb. We are now becoming another mega metropolis.

    1. admin Post author

      Originally known as Toscana, the development’s specific plan received its first approval in Dec. 2006 and its final approval in 2015. The landowners began planning the project in 2000, so you can see Terramor wasn’t a quick slam dunk. The developer also included the community in the planning process, which was appreciated by residents who became involved in the project. Anyone who’s ever appeared before a governing agency — whether it be county or city, will tell you its pretty hard to oppose a project because it will put more vehicles on the freeway. Traffic studies are always presented that always show that there will be little to no impact on roadway congestion. Those of us who drive it everyday know better. Until the state puts priority on fixing our freeway system and also allocates the necessary funding to get the job done, change will come slowly or not at all. In the meantime, housing developments will continue to be approved. Do not shoot the messenger! Armed with that reality, we better make sure we are getting quality developments that will improve our home values. Terramor is such a project.

  23. Jacob

    I am recent resident in TV (Northern part on the edge of Corona) and really appreciate this website and the news you share. Do you know of an equivalent for Corona?

    1. admin Post author

      Jacob — It’s nice to hear that we are appreciated. Thank you. Sorry — I know of no website for Corona, outside of the city’s website. There are many Facebook pages for Corona, but those pages are more opinion-driven than fact-driven.

  24. Steven


    Thank you for this blog section. Just about everyday, there seems to be some sort of crime (burglary and/or break-ins to cars throughout all TV). I see different people posting and spreading the word of different crimes on FB. One post stated they were burglarized while sleeping. This is scary to think it may happen to anyone in TV. One the of reasons, I purchased out here was to raise a family in a safer environment. Are there any plans for a sub station or more of a police presence in TV? Maybe the police can setup a sting or something. We need help from Law Enforcement. I know a lot of neighborhoods have Watch Programs, but it does not seem to stop. These crimes really need to stop as our safety is in jeopardy. Look forward to your reply. Thank you once again.

    1. admin Post author

      Steven — Your comment echoes the sentiments of many Temescal Valley residents. You’re right, crime is escalating. According to Lt. Joe Pemberton of the Lake Elsinore Sheriff Station, speaking at last Wednesday’s MAC meeting, “Crime is up in Temescal Valley, but it’s up everywhere in the Inland Empire.” The most popular theory of why this is happening is the passage of Proposition 47, which reduced certain felonies to misdemeanors, i.e. — if the value of what is stolen is under $950, it’s a misdemeanor. Criminals get a slap on the wrist and they’re back on the streets to steal again.

      The county’s budget is tight — there’s no financial ability to build new substations or hire additional deputies. We do have the ability here in Temescal Valley to create a County Service Area — a special taxation district that would allow us to tax ourselves to pay for additional deputies dedicated to Temescal Valley patrol.

      Many of our crimes are crimes of opportunity. We make it easy for the criminal element to victimize us. We leave valuables in our cars and leave our cars unlocked. We leave doors, sliders, windows and gates unlocked. We don’t turn on outside lights at night. We make our environment unsafe. Neighborhood Watch does work, but only if neighbors watch out for neighbors and report all suspicious activity to the sheriff.

      Finally, the sheriff does work with communities to create citizen patrols. Trilogy has one and it works well. We’re investigating the possibility of working with the sheriff to create patrols in other Temescal Valley communities.

    2. Joe Cossack

      We are unincorporated Riverside County, which means that we fall on the responsibility of Riverside County Sheriff’s to provide Police Services, and currently, the Lake Elsinore station is what services our area. However, this makes things extremely difficult for them to provide policing services to our area to the degree at which you are talking about. In the State of California property crimes (burglaries, thefts from motor vehicles, GTA, etc) has become much lower if a punishment thanks to Prop 47 which passed in 2014. If you want sting operations, or any large operation if that sort you will need to fund a Police Department (which we would have had if the fine citizens would have approved becoming part of Corona) but we do not. There are much bigger, more violent, crimes being committed in other areas of the county that is draining The Riverside County Sheriff Department’s resources. While it sucks, it is something we are going to have to live with until we become a city. Get an alarm, lock your doors, and make sure the exterior of your home is well lit at night. Be a good neighbor, if you see something, say something. Door to door salesmen should be red flags so stay alert. Hope this helps you.

  25. Steven

    Last year I purchased a home in HCR (love it by the way). Any future plans or talks about a new High School for TV which HCR residents would attend instead of going to Lake Elsinore. Look forward to your reply, thanks.

    1. admin Post author

      Steven — Horsethief Canyon Ranch is a super community. I’m glad you love it! As you know, our Temescal Valley area is served by two school districts –Lake Elsinore Unified and Corona-Norco Unified. Sadly, our Temescal Valley students attend high schools in Corona and Lake Elsinore. While several TV residents within CNUSD are letting the district know they want a high school here, even if one were built, it’s highly unlikely HCR students would automaticalley attend that school. I don’t know either districts’ policies on district transfers, so research is warranted. I also don’t know about annexation possibilities for school districts. Could CNUSD extend its boundaries to include HCR and Luiseno School? Could LEUSD extend its boundaries to encompass the remainder of Temescal Valley including Todd and Temescal Valley elementary schools? Would residents support a move by either district toward annexation? I need to do more homework and I’ll get back to you!

  26. Ze

    I wonder if there are any plans to construct a freeway on/off-ramp between Temescal Canyon Rd and Indian Truck Trail? Primarily, this exit will be on Temescal Cyn Rd on the intersection with Campbell Ranch Rd.

    This will help a lot of Sycamore Creek residents hopping on/off the 15 Fwy.

    1. admin Post author

      Ze — In the county’s Temescal Canyon Area Plan (part of the county’s overall General Plan — its vision for the future), there’s this little tidbit. “Construct a new interchange on the Interstate 15 between the existing interchanges at Temescal Canyon Road and Indian Truck Trail.” It doesn’t say where or when, but the only logical place for a new interchange would be in the vicinity of Campbell Ranch Raod and the I-15. I don’t see this happening anytime soon, but if a new interchange were to be built, the ideal time to do it would be when the I-15 toll lanes project (expected completion 2020), continues its expansion south from Cajalco Road. That’s many years in the future.

      1. ZE

        Are there any updates on this? With the Terramor construction, the need for this on/off ramp will greatly help the residents.

        1. admin Post author

          ZE — There is no update on this interchange. If it were to happen it would be years and years from now.


    The new TV signs are great, yet I am disappointed that they did not include a saying that helps brand our locality. I have, and I have seen others, with license plate frames that identify TV as there home. Maybe have an official saying people can put on their plate frame . . . maybe even have a competition for the best one.

    Just a thought that could better reinforce the identity of our community

    1. admin Post author

      Robert — This is an excellent idea! I will call it to the attention of Tracy Davis and her Identity Committee. The license plate frames, that were created many years ago, say “Temescal Valley — There’s No Place Like Home”

  28. Ryan

    Food options? Any news of future restaurant development? Fast casual, fast food or restaurants showing interest in placement? In addition, any other retail or mixed used plans in the works?

    1. admin Post author

      Ryan — Please see an earlier story posted last month: Plans for retail center announced. This developer said he was in negotiations but couldn’t say which fast-food restaurants he was talking to. Right now no other retail or mixed use plans have been announced, but Development Committee Chairman Jerry Sincich and his committee are on top of all proposed development for Temescal Valley.

  29. Todd Grempel

    As a resident of Sycamore Creek, I was hopeful that there might be some way to beautify the shoulders of of Temescal Canyon Road between Maitri and Campbell Ranch Road. It’s a bit of an eye sore that does not improve until you make the right turn onto Campbell Ranch Road and the Sycamore Creek portion begins. I am not asking for side walks or extra street lighting (yet) but perhaps at least clear the low vegetation, level the ground and trim the trees and maybe even slat the fence to visually block the view to the sub station and surface mine area. Perhaps some well placed large boulders could be placed like the ones you see when you get off Indian Truck Trail would be nice.

    Thank you for your consideration. I’m sure the residents would approve.

      1. Edward Self

        Has anyone notice there are more and more trucks parking in the middle of Temescal Canyon Road and parking in the bus zone all over the place. Their has been so many crashes near misses at the Arco and Carl’s trying to get in or out . You can’t see cars or trucks trying to get out of the Arco and Carl’s because the trucks are parking in the red, and in the bus zone and the middle of the road. What does it take someone getting gas or a burger and gets killed doing just that because of all the trucks every day making it harder to get gas or a burger to a point to be safe a lot of us who been living in Temescal Valley like my self of 16 year are tier of all the dust and trucks parking where every they want !!! To make our area safe again make it from I-15 and Temescal Canyon Rd. A NO TRUCK ROUTE before someone gets killed and then it’s to late


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